Soon we’ll be outside again, Plan to take walks with a neighbor. Rather than walk by neighbors, make a point to chat with others who are out too. I just sent a note to my neighbors reminding them of Holland’s curb-side clean up dates (March 9-April 6). Might you be able to help a neighbor with spring yard clean up?
Maybe you can find a neighbors to plan some summer block parties with you (times, dates, themes, games, food.)
Have you invited a church member for lunch after church recently?
Community game night is the last Friday of the month March 28 at 6:30 pm. Join the fun, take a snack, invite a neighbor to come with you.
427 Club (over 55) meets the last Wednesday of the month March 26 at 12pm for lunch and fellowship
We are so delighted to participate in Maria’s Connection Circle!
Pray with us for a positive response from the Cousins Foundation to a proposal Kathy has submitted for renewing our playground space and outdoor facilities upgrades.
This campus could become a core city site for the Circles Program. We’ll need partners to help us raise $20 K in program costs. Who do you know that we might approach to partner with us in this venture?
Emily Baker | George VanderBeek | Jay VanGroningen