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Hi Mamily: Spring is near…

Neighboring well:

  • Soon we’ll be outside again, Plan to take walks with a neighbor. Rather than walk by neighbors, make a point to chat with others who are out too. I just sent a note to my neighbors reminding them of Holland’s curb-side clean up dates (March 9-April 6). Might you be able to help a neighbor with spring yard clean up?

  • Maybe you can find a neighbors to plan some summer block parties with you (times, dates, themes, games, food.)

  • Have you invited a church member for lunch after church recently?

Connecting with each other and our neighbors:

  • Community game night is the last Friday of the month March 28 at 6:30 pm. Join the fun, take a snack, invite a neighbor to come with you.

  • 427 Club (over 55) meets the last Wednesday of the month March 26 at 12pm for lunch and fellowship

  • We are so delighted to participate in Maria’s Connection Circle!


Dreaming and acting so that the church campus is a known, appreciated and fully utilized community asset. Starting with what we have now:

  • Pray with us for a positive response from the Cousins Foundation to a proposal Kathy has submitted for renewing our playground space and outdoor facilities upgrades.

  • This campus could become a core city site for the Circles Program. We’ll need partners to help us raise $20 K in program costs. Who do you know that we might approach to partner with us in this venture?


We’d love to have you join the Embrace Team.
Teens/young adults – we want you!


Emily Baker  |  George VanderBeek  |  Jay VanGroningen